

Wednesday, May 25, 2016



*Jonsona's musical journey continues with a new summer studio album entitled "Whisper Angel"! 
"I wasn't planning on doing anymore full albums this year, if even... ever, but I felt inspired and the music and lyrics that started exploding in my head just had to be transferred to digital!"

I was just devastated when I learned of Prince's death! Just couldn't believe it! 
In the town I grew up in, (it's a privately owned theater now) there was a special viewing of "Purple Rain" May 7th - (the movie) - the same theater where I saw it for the first time in 1984 with my parents, when I was a ripe old age of 11! 
Cash bar ready, I got very tipsy - shared the experience with my beautiful Aunt and her boyfriend ( a close friend of the family since I was a kid) who are both big fans of Prince. Unfortunately we forgot our cameras so no digital capturing of the evening but it will live on forever in my memory! I balled my eyes out at the end of the movie - unabashed sobbing! But for about 2 hours after that, Jonsona was for sure, the center of attention on the dance floor for the "Purple Rave" dance party in the lobby of a theater that is so close to my heart! There is not one part of that lobby that I didn't dance on, while everyone else stayed in place :) - all inhibitions gone (thanks to Prince's amazing music and well, some booze too) - it was just a magical night!

The theater lobby where Jonny danced his ass off!

The only photo from that night - Jonsona with his new friend Amy, at a bar late that same evening

So, let's talk Billboard Awards... 
Seriously... all of this hate and shade thrown at Madonna and her tribute! :O Like any artist, not everyone will like you - yes, she pushed A LOT of buttons over the years and no, she is not the most technically talented person on Earth and yes, I do have my own issues with her... mainly due to the fact that I think (at least now) she may not be as "honest" as I had always thought before and may have sold out a bit but she has still been my biggest inspiration most of my life and she is an amazing "ARTIST" and deserves a little more respect than what's being spewing out all over the internet and the media. Maybe her and Prince were not super close either but I don't believe the tribute was totally self serving, she was clearly emotional and the tribute was not awful! That's not even the real point though. All of this fucking hate! OMG!!! Seriously, did all of you going on and on and on and on about this tribute REALLYYYYY love Prince that much, while he was alive? I doubt it. If you don't like the tribute or don't like Madonna... fine!
What disturbs me the most is all of this hate - this lynch mob mentality that is now the USA as a whole! There are a lot of good things that have happened as far as equality and stuff this decade but the general attitude of people doesn't seem very "progressive" to me! Plus, everyone and their fucking OPINIONS - opinions out the ass due to a gazillion electronic devices and the internet - anyway, if you don't like something... fine - but ENOUGH with all of the vile hate!
Oh, and this "he/she is not relevant" bullshit - seriously - it's beginning to be my new most disliked word - if you are ALIVE - you are RELEVANT! If you don't like certain types of entertainment, okay - just don't watch it! 
I try so very hard to give people the benefit of the doubt but I seriously hate people in general anymore!

Maybe Prince & M were not BFF's but I guarantee that he would not approve of all the hate thrown at this woman over this tribute!

"Full Circle" was my 4th album. I ran into a lot of problems with it but as it is not my favorite of all my works, I do have affection for it! I was extremely pleased with the video work associated with this record - especially the Full Circle & Brand New Year videos.

Full Circle album cover

When an album is complete, I have a night with my family, where we listen to it in stereo and watch all of the accompanying videos and promotions. Viewing the stats on Soundcloud and Bandcamp, Full Circle was my least listened to album, as in NO ONE LISTENED TO IT! I know my music isn't for everyone but COME ON PEOPLE!!! 
My mother told me it was my best work! My aunt told me the reason why people won't give my work a chance is because the lyrical content is "too intelligent" - AND I AGREE!
(Not aimed at those few who do give my art support - I LOVE YOU!!!!!) ---
I still get so angry that even most people I KNOW, will not give me any support for the one thing I have ever been passionate about, MY MUSIC but I have to make peace with that for I don't like to be full of anger and maybe my music will just be meant for filling my personal needs of expression as an artist and to bring my family pleasure and something to play at my funeral one day!
Because no one fucking listens to them, I wasn't going to record any more full albums but I felt inspiration, especially after Prince's death, and a new album exploded in my mind and soul - WHISPER ANGEL!
"Flowerhead" has been my favorite of all of my records to this day but I think that may change with this new recording!

Whisper Angel album cover

Don't get me wrong... as I whine and cry about how I am continuously ignored, as is my art, I also know that I am blessed in so many ways in this life so don't think that I am just some crybaby diva bitch all of the time!
I know that there are millions of us ignored artists out there that everyone refuses to help or support and so I know that I'm not alone in that - I wish I could FIND THEM!
After Full Circle, I was like, "fuck it - no one listens to them and it is so much hard work - just 86 Jonsona and quit" but after this last family listening night and Prince, I felt inspired again, like I said before. 
Maybe honest and heartfelt albums with a dramatic and often danceable backdrop of sound isn't ANYONE'S cup of tea anymore but I will always stay true to my art and my soul!
Whisper Angel's music is R&B/hiphop-esque but there are also a lot of spiritual choir sounds (I use that a lot in my albums - becoming a signature Jonsona sound) - fused with some techno sounds, quite a bit of violin and orchestra sounds as well and I will do a lot of my own acoustic guitar and more operatic vocals.
There are only 9 tracks on this album. They will generally be longer tracks but with only 9, I can spend more time on each one without becoming overwhelmed, like I did on the last album! The album should be about 50 minutes long, even with just 9 tracks.
They are very personal tracks, as always, but WA will be warmer than Full Circle was and not quite as harsh.
I am excited about this record! And I already know no one is going to listen to it so... make sure to attend my funeral one day and then you can finally here my music! LOL
It'll be the usual - photo shoot - promo videos - music videos - for the course of the new album after it is released. I am aiming for an early July release date and WA will run it's course during the entire summer - then, I have no idea what I will do artistically. 
I may still try to contact people for help - or giving me SOMETHING to do artistically that can generate $ but whatever the case, I am most proud of the fact that I am not giving up on creating this music even though it gets barely any recognition - thanks for the talent, God!
And people of America and the world - PLEASE stop hating so much and try to create some positive energy on this planet - WE NEED IT!!!! - Peace ~ Jonsona

First two instrumental version released from Whisper Angel - COMING SOON!


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